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Geo Marketing Services & Web/Mobile Development



Our vision

At NeoGeoPush, our vision is to redefine how businesses interact with their audiences and harness the potential of geolocation. We aspire to become the undisputed leaders in innovation in location-based advertising and web and mobile application development solutions.

We believe in a connected world, where every business, whatever its size, can reach its target audience in a more relevant, more efficient and more personalized way. Our goal is to help our customers harness the power of location to create exceptional user experiences, strengthen their market presence and drive growth.

We are committed to offering cutting-edge technology solutions, pushing the boundaries of innovation and providing exceptional quality service. Our vision is to be the preferred partner for businesses looking to leverage geolocation and web and mobile applications to transform their business and excel in an ever-changing digital world.

Together, we will build a future where businesses can not only achieve their goals, but exceed their expectations with location-based advertising strategies and exceptional applications. Our business vision is to be at the forefront of this digital revolution, creating opportunities and driving growth for our customers, while continuing to evolve and innovate to stay ahead of the industry





In the realm of cutting-edge marketing, Mobile Geo-fencing stands as a game-changer. But what exactly is it? Mobile Geo-fencing is a precision marketing technique that operates on the data extracted from mobile IDs. With a virtual geographic map, it allows us to draw virtual boundaries around real-world locations. When potential customers enter these predefined areas, we push targeted, displayed advertisements through mobile apps and websites.

Harness the power of mobile geo-fencing!



Exploiter la puissance du géo-fencing mobile!

In the realm of cutting-edge marketing, Mobile Geo-fencing stands as a game-changer. But what exactly is it? Mobile Geo-fencing is a precision marketing technique that operates on the data extracted from mobile IDs. With a virtual geographic map, it allows us to draw virtual boundaries around real-world locations. When potential customers enter these predefined areas, we push targeted, displayed advertisements through mobile apps and websites.


Mobiliser le succès avec des audiences mobiles (USA et CANADA seulement)

Les audiences mobiles, un outil puissant dans le domaine du marketing basé sur les données, ouvrent les portes à des campagnes personnalisées comme jamais auparavant. Il s'agit essentiellement de fichiers CSV contenant les identifiants publicitaires mobiles de vos clients potentiels. La magie opère lorsque ces audiences sont mises en œuvre dans la publicité sur les médias sociaux. Exploitez le potentiel de vos audiences mobiles pour concevoir des campagnes hautement ciblées et efficaces. Lorsque vous intégrez ces audiences dans les plateformes de médias sociaux, vos publicités atteignent les bonnes personnes au bon moment. C'est le secret de la précision en marketing et, en fin de compte, d'un meilleur retour sur investissement.

Développement d'applications web

Découvrez l'avenir du développement d'applications web avec nous !

Notre service de développement d'applications web vous permet de transformer des idées novatrices en solutions numériques puissantes. Notre équipe de développeurs experts est spécialisée dans la création d'applications web personnalisées adaptées à vos besoins uniques, en exploitant la puissance des technologies de pointe.

En mettant l'accent sur l'expérience utilisateur, la sécurité et l'évolutivité, nous transformons votre vision en applications web fonctionnelles, riches en fonctionnalités et prêtes pour l'avenir. Améliorez votre présence en ligne grâce à notre expertise exceptionnelle en matière de développement web, et favorisez la réussite et la croissance de votre entreprise à l'ère du numérique. Laissez-nous donner vie à vos rêves d'applications web grâce aux outils les plus récents et les plus avancés du secteur.


Développement d'applications mobiles

Créativité en mouvement, excellence en résultats.

Notre service de développement d'applications mobiles optimisé par Flutter est la clé qui vous permettra d'exploiter tout le potentiel de vos idées d'applications. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création d'applications mobiles multiplateformes de haute qualité qui fonctionnent de manière transparente sur les appareils Android et iOS. Nous nous engageons à transformer votre vision en une application mobile riche en fonctionnalités, conviviale et visuellement époustouflante.

Laissez-nous transformer vos rêves d'applications en une réalité que les utilisateurs adoreront et que vos concurrents envieront. Préparez-vous à flotter dans l'avenir de la technologie mobile.


Intégration des services web

Connecter, intégrer, exceller.

Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création d'un écosystème connecté pour votre entreprise en intégrant de manière transparente un large éventail de services, garantissant ainsi que vos opérations fonctionnent comme une machine bien huilée. S'il existe une API, nous l'intégrons !

Notre équipe excelle dans la connexion d'outils de gestion de la relation client (CRM), tels que, HubSpot, Monday Sales CRM, Pipedrive, ActiveCampaign, Zoho CRM, et bien d'autres encore. Cela signifie que vos données clients restent synchronisées et accessibles, optimisant ainsi vos stratégies de vente et d'engagement client.

Nous proposons également des solutions d'intégration complètes pour les services de messagerie tels que SendGrid, Twilio et Zapier. Cela signifie que vous pouvez communiquer efficacement, automatiser les processus et améliorer les interactions avec les clients en toute simplicité.



Créer des merveilles Wix, un site à la fois.

Nous sommes vos développeurs de sites Wix. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création de sites Wix personnalisés, adaptés à vos besoins uniques. Que vous soyez une entreprise cherchant à établir une présence professionnelle en ligne ou un entrepreneur lançant une boutique de commerce électronique, nous avons les compétences et l'expérience nécessaires pour y parvenir.

En plus de créer des sites Wix, nous avons aussi l'expertise pour construire des extensions Wix qui peuvent communiquer avec des services web externes. Qu'il s'agisse d'intégrer des applications tierces, de se connecter à des API ou d'améliorer les fonctionnalités de votre site Wix, nous pouvons fournir des solutions sur mesure pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques.

Avec nos services de développement de sites Wix, vous pouvez vous attendre à un processus transparent et sans tracas qui se traduit par un site Web visuellement attrayant et performant qui représente votre marque avec excellence.



A Different Approach!

At NeoGeoPush, we're not just another marketing tool. We represent a different approach to Mobile Geo-Marketing, creating your mobile platform, and professional website design. Our commitment to innovation, cutting-edge Mobile Geo-Marketing strategies, and our relentless pursuit of excellence set us apart.

With NeoGeoPush, you're not just a customer, you're a partner on a journey to success, reaching your audience wherever they are. Discover the NeoGeoPush difference, where creativity knows no bounds.


Our clients



Our Flutter-optimized mobile app development service is the key to unlocking the full potential of your app ideas. We specialize in creating high-quality, cross-platform mobile apps that work seamlessly on Android and iOS devices. We're committed to transforming your vision into a feature-rich, user-friendly and visually stunning mobile app.

Let us turn your app dreams into a reality that users will love and your competitors will envy. Get ready to float into the future of mobile technology.

Creativity in motion, excellence in results.

Mobile application development


Our Flutter-optimized mobile app development service is the key to unlocking the full potential of your app ideas. We specialize in creating high-quality, cross-platform mobile apps that work seamlessly on Android and iOS devices. We're committed to transforming your vision into a feature-rich, user-friendly and visually stunning mobile app.

Let us turn your app dreams into a reality that users will love and your competitors will envy. Get ready to float into the future of mobile technology.

Creativity in motion, excellence in results.

Mobile application development

Our clients


Chirine, our exceptional CMO, embodies the creativity and tenacity at the heart of our marketing team. Her passion for innovation and determination to tackle the toughest challenges make her a driving force behind our success. Chirine brings a bold marketing vision, transforming creative ideas into hard-hitting campaigns that captivate our audiences. Her commitment to constantly raising the marketing bar is an invaluable asset to our company. We are honored to count Chirine among the creative and persevering minds on our team.


Chirine Waked


Yannick, notre CTO de renom, apporte une expérience exceptionnelle et une vision technologique inégalée à notre entreprise. Ses exploits dans le domaine de la technologie ont été un moteur essentiel dans la société, ainsi que dans notre croissance et dans notre innovation. Grâce à son expertise, sa créativité et sa capacité à résoudre les défis technologiques les plus complexes, Yannick continue de façonner notre avenir. Son engagement envers l'excellence technologique et sa passion pour l'innovation sont un atout inestimable pour notre entreprise. Nous sommes privilégiés de compter Yannick parmi les leaders éminents de notre équipe!


Yannick Desjardins


Louise, our exceptional COO, is the embodiment of excellence and vision on our Board of Directors. Her achievements in operations have propelled our company to new heights. With her determination, leadership and ability to turn challenges into opportunities, Louise continues to guide our team to success. Her exceptional contribution is an invaluable asset to our company and our vision. We are honored to count Louise among the distinguished members of our team.


Louise Beauchesne


Jacob, our charismatic CEO, embodies the boldness and entrepreneurial vision at the heart of our company. Despite his young age, Jacob has forged an exceptional entrepreneurial career that has propelled him to the top of our company. His drive, enthusiasm and tenacity in the face of obstacles have propelled him to the position of CEO. With a bold vision for the future, Jacob inspires our team to push boundaries and achieve extraordinary accomplishments. We are honored to count Jacob among our company's visionary leaders.


Jacob Martin De Bujanda


In the realm of cutting-edge marketing, Mobile Geo-fencing stands as a game-changer. But what exactly is it? Mobile Geo-fencing is a precision marketing technique that operates on the data extracted from mobile IDs. With a virtual geographic map, it allows us to draw virtual boundaries around real-world locations. When potential customers enter these predefined areas, we push targeted, displayed advertisements through mobile apps and websites.

Harness the power of mobile geo-fencing!



Mobile Audiences, a powerhouse in the realm of data-driven marketing, opens doors to personalized campaigns like never before. Essentially, they are CSV files containing the mobile ad IDs of your potential customers. The magic happens when these audiences are implemented in social media advertising.Harness the potential of your Mobile Audiences to craft highly targeted and effective campaigns. When you feed these audiences into social media platforms, your ads reach the right eyes at the right time. It's the secret to precision in marketing and, ultimately, an improved ROI.

Mobilizing success with mobile audiences (USA and CANADA only)


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Our web application development service enables you to turn innovative ideas into powerful digital solutions. Our team of expert developers specializes in creating customized web applications tailored to your unique needs, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies.

With a focus on user experience, security and scalability, we transform your vision into functional, feature-rich, future-ready web applications. Enhance your online presence with our exceptional web development expertise, and help your business succeed and grow in the digital age. Let us bring your web application dreams to life with the latest, most advanced tools in the industry.

Discover the future of web application development with us!

Web application development


Our Flutter-optimized mobile app development service is the key to unlocking the full potential of your app ideas. We specialize in creating high-quality, cross-platform mobile apps that work seamlessly on Android and iOS devices. We're committed to transforming your vision into a feature-rich, user-friendly and visually stunning mobile app.

Let us turn your app dreams into a reality that users will love and your competitors will envy. Get ready to float into the future of mobile technology.

Creativity in motion, excellence in results.

Mobile application development


We specialize in creating a connected ecosystem for your business by seamlessly integrating a wide range of services, ensuring that your operations run like a well-oiled machine. If there's an API, we integrate it!

Our team excels at connecting customer relationship management (CRM) tools such as, HubSpot, Monday Sales CRM, Pipedrive, ActiveCampaign, Zoho CRM, and many more. This means your customer data remains synchronized and accessible, optimizing your sales and customer engagement strategies.

We also offer complete integration solutions for messaging services such as SendGrid, Twilio and Zapier. This means you can communicate effectively, automate processes and improve customer interactions with ease.

Connect, integrate, excel.

Websites Integration

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We're your Wix site developers. We specialize in creating customized Wix sites tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're a business looking to establish a professional online presence or an entrepreneur launching an e-commerce store, we have the skills and experience to make it happen.

In addition to creating Wix sites, we also have the expertise to build Wix extensions that can communicate with external web services. Whether it's integrating third-party applications, connecting to APIs or enhancing the functionality of your Wix site, we can provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

With our Wix site development services, you can expect a seamless, hassle-free process that results in a visually appealing, high-performance website that represents your brand with excellence.

Creating Wix wonders, one site at a time.


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