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Green Geometric Shapes


Plan your success

  • Geo-fencing consists of creating virtual geographical fences around physical locations in order to better target mobile advertising. Geo-fencing (also known as "mobile geo-fencing") is the application that consists of defining a geographical perimeter around a location.



    A virtual geo-fence is drawn around an area where the advertiser wishes to target customers visiting another location (i.e. a competitor's shop, a venue or a specific part of town, etc.) Then, depending on the type of business, a virtual conversion zone can be drawn around one or more of the advertiser's locations.

  • Programmatic advertising is the purchase of advertising space used on different media. This automation is based on a real-time bidding system to position a communication campaign effectively.

    You can create a very precise audience using certain criteria such as : 

    - Location (address - postcode - region - city, etc.)

    - Demographics (age, gender, household income, parental status)

    - Affinities (e.g. performance car enthusiasts, action film fans, etc.)

    - Interests (keywords searched by your audience)

    - Websites (e.g. competitors' websites or other specific websites)

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